Era para ter posto este post ontem mas a modos que a minha internet pifou...
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(obrigado pela foto Ana Rita)
E ficam a saber que há várias actividades mais ou menos relacionadas com Pi no Pavilhão do Conhecimento, até domingo (obrigado Tecas)
2 comentários:
Pi a um milhão de casas. Cuidado, é coisa de 1MB de dígitos de pi; para uma versão mais soft (e um lamento do autor) tirem o index1.html do endereço.
Um abraço monárquico ;)
Daniel Tammet é um savant.
Como era Kim Peek, o verdadeiro Rain Man (
Ao contrário de outros autistas capazes de façanhas semelhantes, Daniel consegue explicar como faz (,,5123945-103425,00.html)
o que o torna mais que desejado por investigadores.
- The thought of a mathematical problem with no solution makes him feel uncomfortable. (...) Tammet has never been able to work 9 to 5. It would be too difficult to fit around his daily routine. (...) Things have to happen in the same order: he always brushes his teeth before he has his shower. "I have tried to be more flexible, but I always end up feeling more uncomfortable. Retaining a sense of control is really important. I like to do things in my own time, and in my own style, so an office with targets and bureaucracy just wouldn't work." (...) As Tammet grew older, he developed an obsessive need to collect (...) "I remember seeing a ladybird for the first time," he says. "I loved it so much, I went round searching every hedge and every leaf for more. I collected hundreds, and took them to show the teacher. He was amazed, and asked me to get on with some assignment. While I was busy he instructed a classmate to take the tub outside and let the ladybirds go. I was so upset that I cried when I found out. He didn't understand my world."
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